Join us

as we celebrate the essence of collective power at our 25th Anniversary Brunch. It is our journey of highs and lows and the dedication of those before us that we can build, celebrate, and prepare for our future. Through collective efforts, we can foster our inherent power to lead and drive change in our communities.

November 10th

11am - 2:00pm ~ Signia by Hilton, San Jose:
170 S Market St, San Jose , CA 95113

2023 Sisterhood Brunch photos by Mayra Mejía, mdcm fotography

25th Anniversary Brunch

Bound by Strength, United by Purpose, Uplifted by Our Shared Journey

This year’s theme celebrates our interconnected experiences that have shaped our collective journey over the past quarter-century. Each individual's path may be unique, but together, we are bound by the common thread of resilience, unity, and shared purpose. As we come together to celebrate this significant milestone, we reflect on the challenges we have overcome, the victories we have achieved, and the bonds that unite us.

Join us as we embark on this celebratory journey, honoring our past, embracing our present, and charting a course for the future, united in our shared strength and commitment to progress.

Sponsorship Opportunities

Each year, a variety of sponsors join us in our mission to advance the collective success of Latinas through leadership, civic engagement and sisterhood.

Let's weave the tapestry of opportunity for Latinas, enabling them to shape their own futures. Join us at the annual fundraiser for the Latina Coalition of Silicon Valley, where together, we strengthen Latinas and our futures.

  • In California, Latinas earned only 42 cents for every dollar earned by a White man in 2019 and more acutely in Silicon Valley, Latinas earned 33.5 cents for every dollar in comparison to their White male counterparts (HOPE ESLR, 2020). Compounding this inequity, COVID-19 and the resultant economic downturn impacted a much larger number of women, and particularly Latinas, who had to leave their jobs/careers due to the lack of home support for other household members (children and elders, e.g.). Research showed that 50% of all Latinas reduced their work hours or quit their jobs to take care of a child compared to 29% of White women (Hispanic Star, 2022). 

    In response to these profound impacts on the livelihood of Latinas and their families, we have addressed these challenges head on and with the expediency required. With the support of public, private, and nonprofit entities and in collaboration with community; together, we are launching and expanding critical programs to support Latinas as they navigate a pathway to recovery and continue to build both economic and political power. Fulfilling our mission of developing and strengthening the power of Latinas for our collective success — cannot be achieved alone. We invite you to join our movement to create an equitable Silicon Valley where all are able to live healthy and prosperous lives.